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The Spirit:

The following points describe the main goals of the XPFR group:

1. A distribution platform

- The creation of a common distribution platform aimed at clustering the productions of French-speaking (but not exclusively) developers.
- This structure allows painless distribution of content designed by it's members within the frame of a well established and known platform.
- Take advantage of the serious reputation of the group to obtain clearance easily from FS authors whenever needed for a conversion from FS to X-Plane.

2. A production platform

- Take advantage of a common production platform, a sort of factory or large workshop, allowing us to produce high quality aircraft or scenery with the advantages offered by the possibility to share each participants capacities and experience.
- This structure also gives us the possibility to retain, improve, complete or update creations that an author cannot or does not wish to continue the development of.

How to participate:

You're willing to start a project or have already developed a project to an advanced state:

The other XPFR members can offer you technical support to correct errors or solve problems (mutually swapping updated files) all along the development process of your project. The project is pushed to the maximum possible development degree by the author himself, depending on his objective, his competence and availability, or it can be developed as a team project following the original authors goals and the availability of the other participating members.

You have spotted a project that triggers your interest in the unfinished or abandoned projects base available on our site:

These projects have received clearance from their original authors to be taken up by the XPFR group for finalisation or upgrade(either because the author is not an active developer anymore or because he is not available for such projects anymore etc.). You can upgrade the project all by yourself or with the involvement of other group members and submit it to the group for integration to the XPFR collection.

A third party creation (scenery or aircraft) released on another platform that necessitates upgrade or conversion (in the case of an FS scenery for example) has triggered your interest:

You are required to obtain permission from the original author to take up the project ! Thanks to XPFR, you can benefit from the image of reliability and seriousness acquired by the group on an international level. Mentioning your will to adapt or convert a third-party author's work on behalf of the XPFR group, will certainly make it easier for you to obtain the author's permission. Once the author's permission has been obtained, you're free to start working on your project.

Who does what ?

An aircraft project should usually consist of a maximum of nine distinct stages:

  1. Acquisition of proper documentation
  2. Engineering of a PlaneMaker model
  3. Parameter setup and elaboration of the flight model
  4. Exterior 3D modelling
  5. Exterior Texturing
  6. Elaborating the final panel
  7. 3D cockpit modelling
  8. Interior texturing
  9. Finalisation and testing to provide a coherent final result

A scenery project should usually consist of a maximum of seven distinct stages:

  1. Request for authorisation (whenever your converting third-party work or if you wish to use third-party material)
  2. Acquisition of proper documentation
  3. Creation of the runways, taxiways and navigation equipment (navaids and apt.dat)
  4. 3D object modelling
  5. Creation and layout of the ground textures (if you're using any)
  6. Layout in OverlayEditor
  7. Finalization and testing to provide a coherent final result

It is the initiator of the project on XPFR (author somehow) who defines if he/she needs help and for which parts. He/she can ask for help and assign tasks to one or more members and each member can participate in as many works as he/she wishes.


Carrying out your project within the structure of the XPFR group comes with only two obligations: Your project has to be distributed for free and it may be added to the XPFR website. Besides that, you're completely free to make your project available on your own website or any other free distribution platform.

All the elements used in our productions are obtained in an honest and transparent way. An object (whatever it is) is either created in whole by one of the group members, or converted, adapted and used with the explicit consent or its original author. Unless specified otherwise, all the objects created by members of the group are freely re-useable and can be integrated to the object exchange bank created in parallel of the site. Objects created by third party authors (this is mainly relevant for converted sceneries) will not be integrated to the object bank unless the original author explicitly gave his permission to do so.
It is the duty of the author to exercise caution and fulfil the necessary steps to ensure these rules are respected for every production he submits for release on the XPFR site.

The XPFR Team

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