Les outils de Marginal
Two reference tools by Margianl :
- FS2XPlane, a scenery converter from Flight Simulator to X-Plane,
- Overlay Editor, managing tool for sceneries' objects
A free to use library of scenery objects ... to which you may add your work
WED l'indispensable
One cannot build a scenery without WED. On this site, some of the most useful tools
Tutorial Blender de Jean, dans le Wiki
You want to create somer objects in Blender but it affraid you, you lost yourself inside it, you don't want to read all other tutos but only the essential for X-Plane? So read this one for everyone, in french!
XPlane, pilote & contrôle
... will help you (in french only ;-)) about:
- X-Plane configuration and coaching with video tutorials to beginners,
- Sessions in multi-player flight network. In mind: to connect, flying with the group, even without preparing a flight plan,
- Virtual flights every day, everywhere. According to the whishes of the participant and/or his pilot level, he can -or not- use "light" phraseology in French.
Wiki X-Plane en Français
French language x-plane's wiki
X-Plane Zones Photo
Yippee ! the photo textures are back !
NAV 2000 is dead, long life to NAVIGEO
SIA - Service de l'Information Aéronautique
Read it in french !!!
Read it in french !!!
Read it in French
Le Belge
Aa awesome planes and sceneries designer's website
Read it in french !!!
XP Africa
A page that list most of the known Africa sceneries.
FS 2004 freeware scenery list
A site giving a huge lot of links to freeware FS 2004 sceneries, among them many are french. And an access to FSX sceneries
Les scenes du Golfe
Patrick Camenen Golfe du Morbihan sophisticated sceneries
Les Fous Volants
A dynamic FS team aimed on Centre region
Free sceneries for FS whose authors helped XPFR's growth
Site de Marc-Henri Guitteny
Seaside sceneries of France and overseas
Mirage Aircraft for Flight Simulator
Everything about Mirage airplanes and many french air forces bases
Rhône Alpes Simulation
A big simers' association aimed at Rhône-Alpes region
The official website of Laminar Research, the X-Plane's publisher.
Scenery creator should visit the section X-World / Dev tools